Monday, October 10, 2022

Cookie's Distemper Story


So you might remember that our old dog Brandy went to the rainbow bridge on Sept. 18.

Last Wed evening, one of our younger dogs, Cookie, started with the same symptom of weak back legs and nausea. Friday, no nausea but he was getting weaker. Saturday (of course, when vet is not open) he needed help walking and we noticed a large lump on the left side of his neck. Sunday, he couldn't walk at all and his head and body were twisting in strange contortion.

All this time we gave him enzymes, colloidal silver, Zeolite, and cannot confirm or deny that maybe he got someone's leftover Rx antibiotics. Nothing seemed to fix the weak legs.

Did he get bit by a snake? spider? No visible puncture wounds.
Did he find some Brandy poo in the dog yard (hey, he's a dog and he does what dogs do), and then catch what she had? Brain tumor?

After several family members consulted with Dr. Google, we agreed collectively that he has distemper. Dr. Google also says it's 100% fatal if it goes to the neurological phase.

Assuming distemper, I looked for the history of the disease and research that promised cures.
In 1972, Dr. Alson Sears, a veterinarian in the desert community of Lancaster, California, read the research on using Newcastle’s Disease Vaccine (NDV) as an inducer to boost levels of interferon in cats. The major dog disease he faced in his storefront clinic was distemper. Dr. Sears had followed the officially sanctioned treatments for distemper – fluids, antibiotics, and watching them die.
“Most of the dogs that came in with distemper died,” he said. “We’re talking many, many, many boxes of dead dogs. Those that did survive went on to see horrible secondary neurologic problems from which many lingered and eventually died. Once sick, there did not seem to be much that could be done to help them.”

When he read about the NDV research in cats, “It clicked in my head that this might work against distemper. I thought, ‘Damn, if it works in cats, here’s a viral technique we haven’t tried.’”

The article is pretty long, but what stood out was INTERFERON.

It's Sunday evening. Where could one find interferon?

It was in my refrigerator.

Some time ago, we were unable to finish that gallon of RAW GOAT MILK and it had turned into curds and WHEY.

Last night we said our goodbyes to him, thanking him for his protection from feral cats and squirrels, and made him comfortable on his pallet that he likes. Gave him some sour Goat Whey, but he was so twisted and weak that we thought it was maybe beyond time to save him.

We went to bed in the next room and knew that the morning would probably bring a grim task of digging a grave in the backyard.

Around 6am, we woke to hear whining at our bedside. "Mike! Buttercream is here to tell us that Cookie has died." Mike jumped up and ran to check on him. He wasn't there. And Buttercream was sleeping soundly nearby. Mike came back to the room, and there was Cookie in the dark corner near the bookshelf, the source of the whining.

How did he get there? He must have dragged himself into the room, as he was unable to walk.

We had seen a miracle. The dog was 95% dead last night. Now, he was visibly better -- after only one dose of raw, sour Goat Whey!

So much for Dr. Google! He sure doesn't know the Great Veterinarian like I do.

I went back to the article and under the influence of some hot morning coffee, I looked for some other sources of INTERFERON.


Hallelujah! A small, $10-Aloe Vera Barbadensis plant that I bought a few years ago has now taken over my yard. I snipped off two large leaves, prepared them by harvesting the clear gel, blended it with some raw Goat Whey, and took it to our boy.

He lapped it up from my cupped palm like he had been doing, then put his head over to the cup and gobbled it all down.

As I sat on the floor with him, I asked the Lord if there is anything else that might help.

"Remember that article you read about the cows in England being doused along their spines with a pesticide for flies?

"Yes, that's right. It had high levels of manganese which was thought to be the cause of mad cow disease."

"What if you used DMSO all along his backbone and lymphatics? It's pure sulfur, and you know how it reduces inflammation."

"Of course! And it would go into the spinal fluid where that nasty virus is hiding."

"Are you thinking of something else that's a very powerful anti-viral that the DMSO could push in?"

"Oregano oil?"

"Atta girl!"

In a short time, Cookie -- and I -- were stinking like a garlicky pizza -- garlic from the DMSO and all the pizza in Italy from the oregano. I left him and went about morning chores.

Soon, he was scooching back into the living room. Still not able to lift his legs, we got him onto his pallet. I had to leave him a couple hours for errands.

He was visibly brighter and stronger. when I got back. I was able to coax him outside to do his business that he had not done since Saturday. He walked out to the yard on his own, though wobbly, and walked back in by himself.

He's not out of the woods by any means, but he is not dead.

I am so glad that I did not give in to the temptation to use that sour Goat Whey as fertilizer.

Cookie's Medicines


DMSO from feed store

Thursday, August 4, 2022

We've been En-VENOM-ated

 Caldwell County is telling us that new "cases" have been found. Here's a snippet from the page --

[ Comment from Covid victim] I can tell you it isn't a summer cold. I had covid last year and was hospitalized, not getting enough oxygen, couldn't hardly move. Came home with oxygen and took months to recover 100% Granted, some people are lucky and get over it quick with minimal symptoms but for some it is serious.
[D Jo Poundabutter Voetee]
First, I'm glad you have survived and I certainly don't mean to make light of the suffering that you and sooo many others have gone through. We've all had losses, personally in our families and all of us as Americans. Whoever or whatever caused this horrible tragedy needs to be...well, we know what needs to be done.
I have studied the situation in depth. Yes, there is something different. You are correct.
The reason I mock their statistics ("summer cold") is that there is no true test for Covid, because there is no purified, isolated form to test against. Early on in 2020, I called the TX DSHS and asked. They had no sample. Nor did anyone else. The PCR test was never intended to diagnose, so said its inventor Dr. Kary Mullis. Not only was it used against his adamant warnings, the cycles were turned up to attain a positive [before the vaccine] or down to get a negative [after the vaccine]. Bottom line, "tests" are not trustworthy. And??? Dr. Mullis died in August, mere weeks before the Covid symposium in October at Johns Hopkins. Do the math.
Now sit down, as you may laugh or cuss, but this is the science.
Yes, greater minds than all ours put together have the proof.
Covid is a coronavirus (common cold) that has been envenomated.
En-venom-ated. Venom. From SNAKES. "Codon usage analysis shows kraits and king cobras share greatest genetic similarities with SARS-CoV-2..."
That is the factor that makes this "novel" coronavirus different and worse than any other cold you've ever had. This is why the ventilators and the toxic drug Remdesivir were the wrong interventions.
Or were they? Was the goal to heal people, or create fortunes? Why were some medical doctors prevented from practicing simple, time-proven early intervention, or forbidden to write scripts for HCQ or Ivermectin? Might be a good question for the Texas Medical Board. Why is Dr. Simone Gold in jail right now? How many of her patients died? (none) How many were cured? And yet, because she didn't play politics and let people suffer, she went to jail. (J6 is merely a connived pretext; she became an enemy of the Industrial Medical Complex when she spoke out against the legal medical murders that her compliant colleagues were committing.)
This is why the modalities that usually work for the flu and pneumonia did not work this time. This is why smokers, by and large, fared better than non-smokers: the nicotine in their system protected them. This is why the sale of nicotine patches went up when this info got to the public.
"In conclusion, the evidence suggests that nicotine or other nicotinic agonists could have beneficial effects against severe COVID-19." (British Medical Journal)
"Tobacco has long been used to pull venom out of bee stings and to a lessor degree snake bites in folk remedies."
"According to the research, it is believed that nicotine in organic tobacco will help relieve pain and help pull out toxins from some dangerous animals. In addition, it can heal wounds from poisonous snake bites such as cobra...."
As always, YOU are responsible for YOUR health. Not CNN. Not Fauci. Not the CDC. YOU decide whom to trust. Your life depends on it.


Thursday, July 28, 2022

Dekalukization and Holodomor, the Sequel

 Today we will read two words, boys and girls: Dekalukization and Holodomor.

Hard to pronounce, but important to know because we are experiencing them today. Perhaps it's easier to say, deliberate Destruction of the middle class (Dekalukization); genocidal Hunger, Poverty, and Desolation (Holodomor).
The Russian people learned these first hand in 1917 when their Christian leaders were slain by Communist, Talmudic zealots. For the next 70 years, they lived in a bloody nightmare.
Did Communism and its sociopathic proponents really die when the Berlin Wall came down, and the USSR became Russia again?
Not on your life, literally. They just changed their names.
They became the "United Nations," to ostensibly bring world peace, philanthropy, and unity to the world, but all we have seen is class war, theft of national resources, and division since 1945.
They became heads of unConstitutional alphabet agencies in the U.S. government, unelected by and unaccountable to voters, but wielding power nonetheless.
They infiltrated churches and called themselves Zionists so that the Voice of God spoken through intrepid, wise, and courageous pastors would be silenced because, you know, the "Anti-Sem" card is the ace of the Race Deck, a must-have when someone actually reads Rev. 2:9 and 3:9.
They became tenured professors at universities and colleges and high schools so that young Americans would come to hate their heritage and despise the very blood that was shed for their liberty to hate their heritage.
They produced movies, music, and culture that made Americans profligate and promiscuous in their souls, turning their hearts away from Biblical morality and mores. The Italian sodomite Communist Antonio Gramsci taught that it was easier to take over a nation with culture rather than bullets, and seems like he's been proven to be right.
They put on white coats and earned degrees at the medical colleges their collaborators owned, so they could destroy our health all the while trusting them to save us. We even believed them when they told us that our unborn children were merely "blobs of tissue" and we let them scald them to death with saline or cut them out of our wombs because it was our "right."
They put on black robes so they could take over the courtrooms and send us to jail for victimless crimes; of course, the Gulag is so 1930 but prison labor in America is so very real.
They sold farmers poisons to put on their crops, which yielded food that was devitalized and deadly, but oh there was so much more of it.
If Pastor Tom is right, and this is indeed "worse than we thought," it is because we have left our first Love. God did not leave us; we left Him to follow those deceivers. Shame on us.
Is there hope? Yes. There is always hope for us. But our deliverance depends on our cooperation. We must do our part, and God will do His part. Yes, He has promised that He will destroy those who destroy the earth. But He has also told us to "Come out of Babylon." Sure sounds like a command rather than a suggestion to me.
When we do not contract with them with our vote, our wealth, our time, or most of all, give them our children -- they lose. Their power fizzles and THEIR hope dies because their hope is based on their power to influence us to disobey God. Balaam -- you remember, the guy with the talking donkey -- he knew this. He told the king who hired him to curse the Israelites that he couldn't do it because when God's people obeyed Him, they were untouchable and blessed.
Look around. Do you think we are blessed?
If it looks like the scary half of Deuteronomy 28 is coming our way, we might want to consider the first part that lays out the instructions on how we actually cancel those Babylonian contracts and get back into Covenant with the Living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and His Son Jesus Christ.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Oaths, Then and Now

Couple weeks ago, I resigned from a certain elected political position because I would be required to take an oath to support traitors to the republic just because they have an "R" after their name. Conscience forbade it.
Today, profligate liars take the witness stand and swear an oath to tell the 'whole truth' knowing that they have no intention of doing so. Politicians do the same.
Oaths mean nothing to the amoral, seared consciences of today.
The ancient, godless pagans have every right to judge this America that screams from the core of their icy hearts and demon-infested souls for the law to give them license to abort their progeny.
The shame of this era is Mothers and Fathers who commit this abominable crime and the physicians who do their bidding.
For all the "liberty" and "rights" those outside the womb have now, at one time those inside the womb were also safe and protected.

"If you sought out a physician in 4th century B.C. Greece seeking an abortion, chances are, you would be out of luck.
Ditto for 2nd century Rome. Or 10th century France. Or just about anywhere thereafter, prior to the advent of the 20th century.
It just wasn’t done. Or at least, it wasn’t in good conscience and certainly not openly. (The same goes for seeking euthanasia, as it turns out.)
For the classically trained physician—be it in polytheistic, “pagan” times of yore or the Christian centuries that followed the fall of Rome—to provide an abortion was tantamount to a betrayal of the divine...
'I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion,' the oath reveals in no uncertain terms...
For such was the nature of the physician’s oath, dating back to its earliest inception in roughly 400 B.C.—what has become known as the Hippocratic Oath."

An abortion was "betrayal of the divine." What a profound concept. Why did those pagans get it, and the inhabitants of the "land of the free" and "home of the brave" do not?
I understand what happened.
The Hippocratic Oath was the gold standard of medicine before the Medical Industrial Complex and its tentacles of corporatized medicine and the Rocky-feller controlled cabal came to be. Now, the gold is the standard.