Thursday, August 27, 2020

Mike and Donna Went to Court -- Almost


My husband Mike and I went to speak at Caldwell County (TX) Commissioner's Court yesterday (Tuesday, Aug. 25), as Resolution 31-2020 (State of Disaster, social distance, wear a mask) was to end at midnight, and we wanted to make the case for LIBERTY to County Judge Hoppy Haden, and request that it not be extended.

Deputy Morgan stops us at the door, "Must wear a mask." Now isn't that ironic! Here we are to argue against tyranny, but we must submit to tyranny to gain access to do so. Deputy says, "I'm just doing my job." I said, "Yeah, like Cool Hand Luke said – ‘calling it yer job don't make it right, Boss.’" He said if we took one step toward the court, we would be arrested for criminal trespass. I was ready to play my Virgin Arrest card. I turned to Mike and said, "I am under your authority. What do we do?" My husband thought maybe this was not the day to get arrested, as it was our 46thanniversary and our family had a beautiful dinner planned.
So we went to the County Sheriff to take it up with his boss, Chief Deputy Mike Lane. We know him and are supporting his campaign for County Sheriff.
He virtually face-palmed when I held up the Communist Manifesto and pointed out to him that he was following that doctrine, not the USCON. I showed him the copy of GA-29, Abbott's order of July 2, that says we cannot be detained, arrested, or confined in jail for violation of his executive order. Lane agreed that the “mask stuff is B.S.” and he hated wearing it and that he will not harass anyone for not wearing one. BUT, and this is a huge BUT, he will enforce trespassing laws. So you are "trespassing" if you refuse to wear a mask at a store owner’s demand.

Lane made the case for HEB or Walmart being businesses that have the right to determine who shops there. I countered that 60 years of civil rights law says differently. People cannot be turned away for the owner’s personal whims. I said that I’d like to see HEB or Walmart refusing service to a gay, Black, or Muslim. As a Christian, I cannot don face coverings without denying my faith in the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
A piece of lace over my nose does nothing to protect life, but it does serve a nefarious purpose. The current mandates that Texas judges and mayors are enforcing are religious in nature as face coverings are talismans, not medical devices. Refusing me entry to buy food or essential services because I refuse to bow to a false god violates the entire body of American law. It is no small matter to force customers to wear a mask.
Then Lane shocked us by equating the County Courthouse to HEB and Walmart! He said the County Judge “owns” the building and determines who can access it. I strongly – strongly – set him straight on that nonsense! Do you see the horror here?
Sheriff Richard Mack and other Constitutional sheriffs understand that the sheriff is the highest elected authority in the county (See Mack / Prinz vs. USA, Supreme Court), not the county judge, who is basically a supervisor / manager of county business, plats, roads, and not even schooled in Constitutional law.
I told Lane that "I" am the "public"! I told him I paid $$$$ in property taxes and that makes me the "owner."
Again, I held up the copy of the Communist Manifesto and tried to get him to understand that there are TWO and only TWO kinds of governments: Communism and all its variants where the people serve the state, and then this American republic where government serves the People and has one job – ONE – and that is to protect unalienable rights, as written in the Declaration of Independence.

He insisted that County Judge Haden is his boss and he must follow his orders. In the same breath, he assured us that he will be a "Constitutional sheriff" if elected. This time, I held up the copy of the Declaration / USCON, and pointed out that he was already proving differently. He scolded us as if we were rebellious teens, “You’re not listening to me!!” I then said, “No, you are not listening to us, and by enforcing a mask mandate, you are the criminal. YOU are the criminal.”
He ended the meeting at that point.
The County Sheriff is a Constitutional officer, and answers directly to the People; police are code enforcers and answer to mayors, judges, or governors. What should have happened Tuesday? The Sheriff should have DEFENDED our right to have access to the Commissioner's Court against the judge's unlawful mask mandate. 
 THE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITIES OF THE SHERIFF CANNOT BE DIMINISHED by those in the legislature and courts; nor can it be diminished by any state constitution. When it comes to enforcing the Law, which is to say enforcing the Constitution for the United States of America, the Sheriff, being the “Chief Law Enforcement Officer”, answers to We the People; no one else, not even the Governor; like any other elected official, the Sheriff cannot be removed from office by another elected official. He can only be removed by the People at the ballot box; or, by recall; or, by indictment by the Grand Jury.  
The United States Supreme Court said: “The Sheriff is the ‘Chief Executive and Administrative Officer’ of a county, chosen by popular election. His principal duties are in aid of the criminal and civil courts of record [Common Law Courts] such as serving process, summoning juries, executing judgments, holding judicial sales and the like. He is also the ‘Chief Conservator of the Peace’ within his territorial jurisdiction.”  
The Sheriff, being the Chief Law Enforcement Officer and the highest Peace Officer of the entire County in which he was elected, is under the obligation to secure the peace; he answers to the People alone –unlike the State Police, who are code enforcement officers, serving the state and answering to the governor; and, unlike city, town or village police, who are also code enforcement officers serving the corporate municipalities, answering to commissioners or mayors [or county judges]. All these officers have a conflict of interest because they have no constitutional authority or concerns; they serve the system of codes and statutes instead of upholding the Constitution and serving the People; whereas, the Sheriff reports directly to the People, not the corporate municipalities; the duties, responsibilities and authorities of the County Sheriff, as a Constitutional Officer, are, at a minimum, the same as they were when the State Constitutions were originally written


[Comment from Facebook] 
OMG!!!! Your Sheriff doesn't even know who has which powers in his own county! We are in for a world of hurt. We need to replace so many elected people from the bottom all the way to the governor.
My response:
Here's the problem. NO ONE understands the true basis of this society: the republican form of govt. The Chief Deputy here is case in point. He is a conservative, Republican, patriotic, law-abiding man. As solid as they come. Yet, he is practicing satanic Communism. He would be horrified to even think that, and most likely strike out at anyone who would dare say that as a nut case. But it's true. Here's the proof:

Article IV, Sec. 4, US CON
Article 1, Sec. 2, TX CON

Both state, "republican form of government." [This is not the GOP!]

What does that mean?

Both are referring to the Declaration of Independence, which is the foundational, organic law of this nation that is still in effect.

"...all Men are created equal"
There is no king who is more worthy than any man. The individual is sovereign; there is no "divine right of kings."

"...they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights"
Rights come from God; they cannot be taken, changed, suspended by governor's mandate, voted out by majority rule, by any man -- no matter what his title. UN-ALIEN-able.

"among these are Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness."
> Life comes from God and can only be taken on His terms.
>Liberty is not licentiousness, to do anything the perverted heart of man desires to do. Liberty is the ability to live life on God's terms, since He is the Creator and Giver of Life.
>Pursuit of Happiness is a term understood to mean Property. You will only find individual ownership of property in the republican form of govt.

"to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men."
Governments have one job: to protect the aforesaid unalienable Rights.

Any other form of government, no matter the name, is satanic worship of the STATE as god.

In 1906, the republican form of government was secretly perverted in plain sight by four words in a law that appeared on the surface to protect our health, the federal Pur
e Food and Drug Act. The Texas Health & Safety Code at 431.002(13)B,C and (14) also contains those words, not once, but five times.

Those four words:

" or other animals..."

Actually, one word changed the entire course of America: "other."

Pre-suppositional world view of this abominable law:

Man is just another animal.

>Animals evolved, therefore animals do not have souls.
>Animals were not created, therefore there is no Creator who endowed certain rights.
>Animals do not have rights.
>Animals do not own property.
>Animals need to be controlled, i.e., ruled over.
>Animals exist for the good of the herd.

>Animals can be culled from the herd as needed.

When the state is the biggest, strongest, most powerful animal, lower animals cannot question his power. Abbott ruled, Abbott must be obeyed. County Judge ruled, County Judge must be obeyed. The mayor ruled, the mayor must be obeyed. The man with the gun will make sure you obey. Do not think, do not claim your sovereign rights. You are an animal. Those old pieces of paper saying stuff like "unalienable" are antiquated and irrelevant. Put your mask on and savor the flavor of the boot polish as it stamps on your face forever.
[Comment from Facebook]
The County Judge IS NOT.....I REPEAT, NOT HIS BOSS!!!!!! THE PEOPLE WHO VOTED HIM INTO OFFICE ARE HIS "BOSS". He can literally arrest the judge, and not vice versa! What is wrong with these for listening who do not know what our US and state Constitutions say? Y'all better find a different candidate for the office of sheriff!
My response:

We told him that! We thought he was the perfect candidate, even gave a few bucks to his campaign. But we can be thankful that this "Rona" madness is exposing a real dearth of understanding about many things. What if the omnipotent "judge" decided that all people in Caldwell County needed one of them new mRNA vaccines that Gates is working on? If he would arrest people for a mask, he would arrest people for not being vaccinated.

Or if the judge decided that people need to be disarmed because they might resist a vaccine that will save everyone, he might collect the guns "for the greater good" if the judge said so.


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Fake Medicine Be Damned

True healers are the new martyrs. A few words about the censorship of the Frontline Doctors who sacrificed everything to get truth to us:

In the Middle Ages, the whore of Babylon put on the mask of False Religion and used the State to impose its false world views on the people. If you didn't believe the official doctrine, you were burned at the stake -- or worse. Most cities had only one Bible, and it was written in Latin, chained to the pulpit at the sanctuary. The people were dependent on a priest to give interpretation. What he said was Gospel, regardless of what the Scripture actually said. Want to deliver a lost one from purgatory? "When the gold in Tetzel's trunk rings, a soul from purgatory springs."

Today, we shudder to think people could have been so gullible. But two things happened to break up the monopoly on fake theology. Brave men stood up to the lies and the printing press made the Word of God available to all. The Reformation happened, and thank God it did or we'd all be speaking Latin in church.

But the adversary was not content to let God's people get away so easily. Soon enough, the same whore slithered up to the State with a new visage: Fake Science. This was not true science, but humanism cloaked in the opinions of men, i.e., consensus. Another word for consensus? Conspiracy. Don't like that word? Tough. Read Ezekiel, Psalms. No "theory," but fact. The wicked plot against the righteous, they "breathe together" in their evil machinations.

The pagans of Greece shall judge the "Christian" modern doctors; at least Hippocrates held to the gold standard of First Do No Harm, whereas today the gold has become the standard -- Tetzel would be jealous to see the trunks of Big Pharma. Fauci, Gates, Offitt, Pan and other satanic humanists have become the new Popes and the CDC and WHO have replaced the Vatican as the all hallowed source of truth. The State then uses the sword -- in blasphemous mockery of its true and righteous mandate to protect innocent life -- to enforce the edicts of hell itself with mandated vaccines, forbidden and hidden cures, jail for doctors who actually HEAL their patients, raiding of alternative clinics, and burning truthbearers like the Frontline Doctors at the stake of Fake News.

"The word of their testimony..."
As the printing press came to the people at just the right time, so did social media. Luther's Wittenberg Castle Door is now Facebook, Twitter, InstaGram, YouTube. There is no stopping the Truth. Within minutes, millions of people had seen the Frontline Doctors. MINUTES. Dr. Simone Gold has been fired, and all are being vilified for their brave actions that day. "...They loved not their lives even unto death..."

And the bad actors of the State who have usurped their authority shall suffer a similar fate. Lawsuits are being filed and Constitutional sheriffs are refusing to enforce unlawful fiat mandates. That's just the beginning. Soon we will see prosecutions of those who intentionally held back medicines like HCQ that could have saved the lives of many people.

To hell with Fake Science, Big Medicine, False Religion. Literally. All those who believe a lie for the sake of profit, be damned. These are God's words, not mine:

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thes. 2:10-12