Friday, May 27, 2022

What changed?

Remember the day when highschool boys would carry their rifle in the cab of the truck they drove to school, and nobody even thought anything about it?
What changed?
The war against self-defense happened. If you can't see that there is a shadow govt that has been at war against Americans for many years, then you probably are lining up at those buy-back places to surrender your liberty, I mean, your guns; you are probably believing that Dr. Fauci is your savior; you are probably watching CNN and even though the BS is so thick you can smell it in your living room, you can't wait to get your daily dose of bewitchment.
The "mockingbird media" has created your reality. You believe that guns are bad for individual people to own, that only "authority" should have them. More police (local, state, federal, global) is the answer to all society's issues. You have become a believer in Big Brother.
Schwab, Soros, Gates and those deplorable pieces of globalist bankster shizzle cannot crush an armed America. They must create situations where people react with EMOTION, rather than LOGIC. If you examine every school shooting with FACTS, you will see the huge disconnects. Gullible folks will just hear "children shot" and that's the end of it. I tell you, if you don't start using your brain, millions will die when the guns are gone. Exhibit 1: Australia, Communist China, Soviet Union, North Korea.
America's love for sorcery is a factor. Yes, witchcraft. In case you missed it, "Pharmacy" comes from the Greek word for sorcery. Johnny starts off with Ritalin or Adderall so his teacher doesn't have to deal with a normal, squirrely little boy. That "kiddie cocaine" then predisposes him to seek pills for any other need. Bring in the Xanax, Prozac, and Zoloft. Likely, the child's "therapist" is also on the CIA payroll for MK-Ultra training (you are only calling me a 'conspiracy nut' because you have not done the research that I have, so shut up and prove me wrong) that creates alter personalities that can be useful for anything from sex slavery to manchurian-style agendas.
And if you aren't questioning CNN or Big Pharma, you certainly are not seeing that education is NOT a function of civil government. Education is a ministry of the family and church. All education should be within these realms. The state holds the power of the sword to ensure justice and protection of life, liberty, property. That's it. One job. Separation of school and state must happen if the republic is to survive. Are you wondering why you can be arrested if your child misses school? When you "registered" Johnny, you gave him over to the king -- "register" is a derivative of the root "regis," meaning "king" or in today's words, "state." Your marriage license, granted by the state, gave the state a claim to the fruit of the marriage, i.e., your children. You do not need permission of the state to be married. Write the union in a family Bible, have witnesses, and tell the state to take a hike.
Keep your guns, turn off CNN, avoid Rx, homeschool/private school your kids. Do it or America does not survive.

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