Friday, October 30, 2020

"Soul of the Nation." Let's talk.


Does a nation have a soul? Or do individuals have souls?

When Marxists took over the teacher colleges back in the 1930s, the goal was to destroy the individual soul and create the collective soul, the "hive mind." Children had to be prevented from knowing how to read. They had to be led into the base nature of sex and self-interests. They had to be separated from their history, from the values of their parents. They had to be made confused, angry, rebellious, restless. 
Their parents had to be distracted from their sacred duty of training them up in the ways they should go. They had to struggle for their daily bread by working two, three jobs, even enticing Mother into the workforce and exchanging the most natural relation into an unnatural one: giving her child over to a stranger to rock the cradle, to see its first smile, hear its first words, see its first steps. They had to attend churches where their pastors had agreed to a gag order called 501c3, so that they could not learn truth. They had to get 'truth' from the TV and media that the Marxists controlled. 
Marxists are driving this bus. 
Make no mistake. This is truth in plain sight. This is called esoteric language, neurolinguistic programming. They use terms that you are familiar with, that you understand the meaning of, but they have a different, secret meaning to them. 'Soul.' Good people think of God, eternity, man's inner self. Bad people think entirely differently, but don't want you to be aware of it. 
Bad people, Marxists, know that the soul exists. And they know that if their ideas are going to prevail, YOUR soul must be destroyed. They call it "Battle." In a battle, people die. They don't want you to know that YOU are the enemy, the target of their battle. 
The "Great Awakening" is all about restoring your soul to YOU. When you understand their language, their comms, their plans, you are able to resist. Resistance is what Marxists fear most. Resistance means you have your own free will. When you truly have free will, you will choose what is best, what blesses you, what makes sense. You will choose life. When you choose life, the Marxists die. 
Choose well. Vote accordingly.

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