Monday, October 26, 2020

How a Hollywood Virus and Cow Juice Are Rescuing the Broke Social Security System

Did you know that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is CGI (computer-generated imagery), like the special effects that Hollywood uses in the movies?

There are about 30,000 base pairs of the intact SARS-CoV-2 virus, supposedly. Smarty pants lab geeks took 37 pairs, then filled in the rest of the missing genome using CGI technology. Since different computers came up with varying results of the "filled in" portions, they voted by consensus for which one was most "real."

That CGI virus was then applied to human and monkey cell lines. After 24 hours, the virus had not grown on any human cells, but had gone wild on the monkey cells after the monkey kidney cells had been made vulnerable by being starved and damaged by two antibiotics.

In other words, SARS-CoV-2 virus did NOT infect human tissue. That's the good news. Now for the bad news.

There is a group of people who have monkey DNA floating around in their bodies. Those people are senior citizens today who happened to get the polio vaccine as a child in the 1950s-60s. That vaccine was found to be contaminated with SV40, a monkey virus from kidney cells (SV stands for "simian" and that means monkey).

It gets worse.

Many seniors have damaged kidneys these days for many reasons, one of which is exposure to Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA), which clogs up kidney cells and makes them look like a Texas AC filter that hasn't been changed all summer. Bovine serum comes from a calf that is cut from the mother cow's uterus, then a needle is inserted into the calf's living heart and the serum is harvested from the blood. 
Where is this serum then used? In a variety of vaccines, but there are two in particular that are pushed upon the elderly, the Pneumococcal (Pneumovax) vaccine for pneumococcal pneumonia and Zoster (Zostavax) vaccine for shingles.

It gets more worse.

Besides vaccines, there are other sources of kidney damage that seniors are prone to. Almost 15 million are diabetics, a disease that damages the heart, liver, and kidneys. Older adults between the ages of 65 and 69 use an average of 15 prescription drugs per year, and between the ages of 80 and 84 use an average of 18 prescription drugs per year. Then there's the OTC, untraceable products like aspirin, naproxen (Aleve), and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). Throw in some alcohol and recreational drugs (these are old hippies we're talking about), and you have a perfect storm to create a generation of weak, vulnerable people, both physically and mentally. 
Seniors today were the first generation of TV addicts who grew up trusting Huntley & Brinkley, Reynolds, and closet satanist Walter Cronkite, and are now piously adhering to the gospel of saints Blitzer, Tapper, and Cooper.  Wear a mask when you shop, drive, exercise, work, bathe, or copulate? As you wish. Stand exactly six feet from another human being for no scientifically proven reason? Yes, Mas'sah.  

Monkey DNA.

Damaged kidney cells. 
Are these two factors combining synergisticly to reduce the burden on an overwhelmed Social Security trust fund that is due to dry up in 2034? Financial guru Robert Kyasaki warned that the Boomers were reaching 62 in 2008, and more and more reach retirement age each year. What can the government do? Increasing payroll taxes, cutting benefits, raising retirement age are possibilities, but savvy politicians are hesitant to do anything that would endanger this most active, vocal, and wary cohort of their voter base.

One other scenario that is gruesome but viable from the point of view of the billionaire philanthropists who rule the world is to eliminate the beneficiaries. The Covid plague has done quite the job along that line. Of 332,245 deaths of people between 55 and 85+, there have been 304,683 deaths-- a whopping 92% of mortalities! This couldn't have been more serendipitous if it had been, well, planned, that is unless that 300K total had been the two million of earlier estimates. 

I wonder if those Marxists who whispered in Roosevelt's ear to start this social[ist] [in]security system back in 1935 ever envisioned their pyramid scheme taking a turn like this, where those who paid into it are the very ones who are being cut off from it. 
Jon Rappoport, The missing COVID virus -- answering critics' objections, Oct. 26, 2020 

See "Methods" 

Donna Voetee, Bovine Serum Albumin Destroys Kidneys.

Statistics, Corona Virus disease. 

Jennifer L. Cook, "Will Baby Boomers Bankrupt Social Security?"

Dana Point Rehab, "Prescription Drug Abuse among Older Adults,"

Statistics about Diabetes,

Which Drugs Are Harmful to Your Kidneys,

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