Wednesday, January 11, 2023

On Eggs and Tent Pegs


If you haven't figured out by now that we are at war, then might want to put on a strong pot of coffee and read some headlines. Not all wars are fought with bullets and bombs. Consider the weak spots in our culture and then connect the dots.

Food. Welcome to the American Holodomor.

In past years, the food supply was a simple and local FM road, Farm to Market. These days? Our food comes in on planes and ships from China and South America. It comes from trucks loaded with fruits and veggies from California, watermelons from Mexico, oranges from Florida. It comes from factory farms where chickens are raised in filthy batteries, never seeing daylight in their entire short lives.

Last year, many food production facilities mysteriously caught on fire or were somehow destroyed. Must confess, I didn't cry too much when the Diarrhea Pockets, er, I mean, Hot Pockets, factory went boom, but nevertheless, it was "food" that many people like. Every fire happened in the wee hours; what are the chances?

Weather has not been kind to our food. Between the barrage of freezes, droughts, and floods, our food is under siege like never before; are these weather hiccups from Mother Nature, or some other sinister source? If you've ever looked at HAARP or even glanced up to the odd patterns of criss-cross clouds that turn a happy blue sky into a murky gray overcast day, you could answer that question right away.

If Fauci has been the [self-proclaimed] face of medical science, picture Monsanto (new name "Bayer," but the reputation is the same) as the image bearer of agricultural scientism; the realm of empirical knowledge is now the god of this age. Monsanto gave us Agent Orange, Roundup, aspartame, and genetic engineering (GE). All have had a horrific toll on human life, but GE is the genocidal silver bullet that will not be surmounted without Divine Intervention. GE literally carves out the genes of creation, the "mark" of the Creator, and replaces it with the mark of a bestial corporation. If you read this as the "mark of a beast," you wouldn't be wrong. With mRNA technology now the latest abomination, not only is your food GE, but you are, too. If you dare, take one terrifying peek at the end result of GE crops: famine. Cold shivers may now be running down your neck as you equate the mRNA end results in people: desolation. Monsanto might consider its opus magnum to be Terminator Seeds. If you remember the Iraq war, a man named Paul Bremer implemented Order 81 and burned the contents of Abu Ghraib, a storehouse for heirloom seed since agriculture began in the Tigris-Euphrates Valley. Today? Iraqi farmers must purchase new seeds every year from ...wait for it... Monsanto (Bayer). They cannot save some of last year's seeds as they did for thousands of years, because Terminator technology prevents propagation.

Food, therefore, is the weakest link in our infrastructure. The same evil, Talmudist faction that starved four million Ukrainian Christians in the 1930s, shooting them for trying to steal an onion from a field at night, is now in power in that nation, and also has tentacles in our own govt. A recent overt evidence of this was the presence of Azov soldiers who donned MAGA gear on Jan. 6, 2020. But it's the covert element of the Stalinistas that has been a festering, malignant cancer in this nation for a long time. If I had to pinpoint a time when the enemy got a stronghold, it would probably be the aftermath of the Civil War and the empowerment of the Radical Republicans that continued to starve and decimate the South -- a bastion of Calvinist Christianity. A mere 40 years later, the Pure Food and Drug Act was passed, but this was no innocent law with the pretext of protecting our food and medicine. It was a brutal and savage act of war that used only four -- FOUR -- words to destroy America. The four words:

" or other animals."

Really, the key word is "other." By grammatical context, man is defined as just another animal. Every pastor in America should have been enraged and taken to their pulpits like their earlier "Black Regiment" brothers did in 1770. To define man as an animal was war against God, who clearly tells us in the Bible that man is created in His image. Man is not an animal, but was given stewardship over the animals. The entirety of organic American law is based on the truth that man is sovereign, that govt exists to serve and protect the God-given rights of man. But ------ if man is an animal, then like the animal kingdom, the strongest bear rule. Individual rights do not exist, as animals do not have rights. Animals are owned. Animals are expendable, soulless creatures that serve the pleasure of the strongest gun. Animals can be fed swill and garbage, be turned into leather or hamburger at their owners' whims -- or even culled if they become too plentiful. Pharaoh sent midwives to drown Hebrew male babies (Exodus 1:8-16), but these days the animal owners send vaccines, abortions, and vasectomies to perceived threats. I kid you not. The Nixon-era (1974) National Security Study Memorandum 200, led by the old Talmudist sodomite, Henry Kissinger, compiled a list of 13 nations that present the greatest threat to food security.

So, after this (hopefully) enlightening cyber road trip down the Food Weaponization Highway, do I trust that there is a natural avian virus affecting chickens and creating an egg shortage? Not for one iota of a second.

What do we do? FIRST: We identify the enemy.

Now I'm not a military woman, but I am a fighter, a daughter of Zion (Micah 4:13) in the tradition of Jael, and I have no hesitancy to properly insert a tent stake between the temples of any Sisera who might present a mortal threat to me or mine.

||| A short word about what is "mine." Something miraculous happened to my soul when I first met Baby Nathan, my Favorite Oldest Grandson (for the record, I also have a Favorite Youngest Grandson). I looked at him, swaddled in the nursery after he had struggled for nearly three days to leave my daughter's womb, and I barely whispered, "Nathan." I will never know how he heard my voice through the thick glass, but that baby turned his head to me and with his eyes, his soul said, "Yes, Gramma?" Now 45 years before this awesome day, when I was giving birth to his Mama, I had gotten the gifts that the Good Lord gives every new mama, eyes at the back of the head and an extra set of invisible arms. This day, I was given two Gramma Gifts that were equally esoteric but every bit as real as my Mama Gifts. In that moment, I saw not one (adorable, exquisite) baby, but all babies.  Instantly, I knew I had Iron Horns and Bronze Hoofs -- a mind that was unchangeable and feet ready to stomp any threat to these Babies -- His Babies. Micah 4:13 “Rise and thresh, Daughter Zion, for I will give you horns of iron; I will give you hooves of bronze, and you will break to pieces many nations. You will devote their ill-gotten gains to the LORD, their wealth to the Lord of all the earth." |||

The Sisera of Corporatism

Corporations decide if we eat or starve. Corporations are fiction, created on paper by a state agency. Corporations have no conscience, they have no compassion, no empathy or sympathy. They exist to make profits. You, your wife, your children are means to an end, not THE end. Corporations do not advance the Kingdom of God, serving the King of Kings, the Lord Jesus Christ, with their whole heart, soul, and mind -- only Men, and FARMERS, with flesh and blood, created in the image of the Living God, have those. We tent-peg them by forming loving relationships with our neighbors. We work to provide things we are good at; they do the same, and we all share the bounty. Sometimes we trade for coin and sometimes we just….trade.

This concept is in my blood. My great-grampa, Dr. James Pickett Owen (1873 – 1962) and his father, Dr. Thomas Madison Owen (1839-1899), drove their horse-drawn buggies around backwoods Little Rock, tending to the medical needs of country folk. They weren’t rich with money, but they were wealthy because their patients blessed them with their homemade breads, chickens, and moonshine.  As a naturopathic doctor myself, I too have bartered my services.

Now I will go from preaching to meddling. Is your church a corporation? If it’s a 501(c)3, yes, it is created by the STATE. The STATE is fiction on paper, and the Body of Christ is a Living Entity. When the “church” is a creation of the STATE, it is subject to laws of the state, such as political correctness or diversity demands that may well be proscribed by Scripture.  Might want to set aside a tent-peg for this very formidable Sisera. Make it a big one; this Sisera is slippery and tricksy. It wears the visage of piety while sugaring over the devil himself, the hardest kind to kill. Just bring it up to fellow church members, and you will see what I mean.


The Sisera of Centralization

Whether in politics or food distribution, centralization serves only one purpose: control in the hands of those who do not have your best interests at heart.  American farmer Joel Salatin said that at one time that the grocery store was not the centralized depository of our food like it is today. Just a couple of generations ago, food was in the ground, the smokehouse, the root cellar, the chicken coop, the pasture. “Grocery store” was  a strange place that most people no idea about.  Just think, when your neighbor has chickens, you have chickens, and almost everyone has chickens, what power does the grocery store have over you? YOU have the control over your own food.  Tent-peg it! Give a nod of honor to ol’ Patrick Henry who warned us long ago about a strong central government, and start to de-centralize your world. 

I am preparing to practice what I preach. Callahan’s General Store in Austin is the best place for baby chicks, saith their webpage, so within the next few days, I will be a new Chicken Mama.

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