Thursday, August 4, 2022

We've been En-VENOM-ated

 Caldwell County is telling us that new "cases" have been found. Here's a snippet from the page --

[ Comment from Covid victim] I can tell you it isn't a summer cold. I had covid last year and was hospitalized, not getting enough oxygen, couldn't hardly move. Came home with oxygen and took months to recover 100% Granted, some people are lucky and get over it quick with minimal symptoms but for some it is serious.
[D Jo Poundabutter Voetee]
First, I'm glad you have survived and I certainly don't mean to make light of the suffering that you and sooo many others have gone through. We've all had losses, personally in our families and all of us as Americans. Whoever or whatever caused this horrible tragedy needs to be...well, we know what needs to be done.
I have studied the situation in depth. Yes, there is something different. You are correct.
The reason I mock their statistics ("summer cold") is that there is no true test for Covid, because there is no purified, isolated form to test against. Early on in 2020, I called the TX DSHS and asked. They had no sample. Nor did anyone else. The PCR test was never intended to diagnose, so said its inventor Dr. Kary Mullis. Not only was it used against his adamant warnings, the cycles were turned up to attain a positive [before the vaccine] or down to get a negative [after the vaccine]. Bottom line, "tests" are not trustworthy. And??? Dr. Mullis died in August, mere weeks before the Covid symposium in October at Johns Hopkins. Do the math.
Now sit down, as you may laugh or cuss, but this is the science.
Yes, greater minds than all ours put together have the proof.
Covid is a coronavirus (common cold) that has been envenomated.
En-venom-ated. Venom. From SNAKES. "Codon usage analysis shows kraits and king cobras share greatest genetic similarities with SARS-CoV-2..."
That is the factor that makes this "novel" coronavirus different and worse than any other cold you've ever had. This is why the ventilators and the toxic drug Remdesivir were the wrong interventions.
Or were they? Was the goal to heal people, or create fortunes? Why were some medical doctors prevented from practicing simple, time-proven early intervention, or forbidden to write scripts for HCQ or Ivermectin? Might be a good question for the Texas Medical Board. Why is Dr. Simone Gold in jail right now? How many of her patients died? (none) How many were cured? And yet, because she didn't play politics and let people suffer, she went to jail. (J6 is merely a connived pretext; she became an enemy of the Industrial Medical Complex when she spoke out against the legal medical murders that her compliant colleagues were committing.)
This is why the modalities that usually work for the flu and pneumonia did not work this time. This is why smokers, by and large, fared better than non-smokers: the nicotine in their system protected them. This is why the sale of nicotine patches went up when this info got to the public.
"In conclusion, the evidence suggests that nicotine or other nicotinic agonists could have beneficial effects against severe COVID-19." (British Medical Journal)
"Tobacco has long been used to pull venom out of bee stings and to a lessor degree snake bites in folk remedies."
"According to the research, it is believed that nicotine in organic tobacco will help relieve pain and help pull out toxins from some dangerous animals. In addition, it can heal wounds from poisonous snake bites such as cobra...."
As always, YOU are responsible for YOUR health. Not CNN. Not Fauci. Not the CDC. YOU decide whom to trust. Your life depends on it.


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