Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Never Say THAT Word, Pastor!

The statement above is a quote from my City Councilman, David Bryant. He is also a pastor here in Lockhart. He presented a sermon in January, “The Case Against Mainstream Media." He made the HUGE mistake of mentioning the ethnic group by name that comprises the bulk of those who do, in FACT, control the media and Hollywood and Congress and education and medicine and the entire Babylonian Black Magick usurious financial system.

Ooopsie. Thou Shalt Not Ever Ever Ever Mention THAT WORD as a Politician or Thy Name Shall Be Mud. And that is what has happened to Councilman Bryant.
Now, the Lockhart City Council voted to censure him and the mayor is requesting his resignation. He has already resigned his position with Lockhart Educational Foundation. If he does not voluntarily give up his City Council seat, there are rumbles of a recall election. When this story first broke, there was talk among the guardians of political correctness to file a complaint with the District Attorney, i.e., criminal charges!
As a Councilman, he has been very good, listening and responding to his constituents with genuine concern. I know; I am one of his constituents.
Yet, because of his OPINION, not actions against any person or group, the Thought Police have decided that Mr. Bryant's position as Councilman requires him to check his First Amendment rights, as well as his duty as a Christian pastor to speak the full counsel of the Word, at the door of his church. The majority of the Council is Democrats who hold to the Democratic Platform which endorses legislation that legalizes the slaughter of innocent babies in the womb. Which is worse, to SAY that a certain group owns the media, or to give one's consent by conferring authority called a vote, to heinous ACTION?
We are quick to see the brutalities of BLM or Antifa in the big, evil cities. Lockhart is a small town in central Texas (pop. 15,150), but no less violent when suppressing a man's liberties to speak his mind. In fact, silencing and punishing a man over one word may be worse. Buildings can be built back in a few months. This republic, laid on the foundation of unalienable rights, took hundreds of years. If liberty is lost by these stealth Communist tactics of political correctness, it will not be regained in our lifetime without much struggle and bloodshed.
Every City Councilman took an Oath to uphold the United States Constitution. Article IV, Section 4 reads that we are to have a "republican form of government." This means that rights come from God, and that government exists for the purpose of safeguarding those rights (Declaration of Independence, which holds as much legal weight as the Constitution, if not more). This means that every Councilman is legally bound to uphold Mr. Bryant's right of free speech, as much as they disagree with it. By his words in his sermon that day, Pastor Bryant did not violate that Oath. By censuring him and enforcing pains and penalties, the City Council of Lockhart in each of his/her personal and official capacity, have indeed violated that sacred promise. If there is to be a recall, let the real perpetrators be judged.

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