Saturday, October 30, 2021

Real Zombies Drive a Lexus

My friend called today and said that her husband, a leader in the local Republican Party and a staunch 2A guy, has been given an ultimatum to take the jab by Dec. 8 or lose his job. She has serious health issues and must have insurance that his job provides. He has decided to take it for her sake. 

Besides a lot of tears and even more strong words against the medical cabal for their situation, I had some thoughts about them and the fact that all of our lives are now in the hands of corporations  ~~

1. What a beautiful picture of Christ and the Church; Jesus laid down His life for the Bride. My friend's husband knows very well what the jabs are all about, their dangers, their real intent. Yet, he consents to give his own life for his beloved's. John 15:13 -- there is no greater love than this. 

2. How, in this "land of the free", is it possible to be legal and lawful for any company to blackmail employees to choose between politics and a paycheck.  

3. Gov. Abbott says that employers cannot mandate employees to take the poison needle, and if they do, it is a $1000 fine. He surely cannot be serious. If he were indeed committed to protecting us, he could pull the plug on them very easily: 


Corporations are created by the STATE, and must adhere to the laws of Texas, including the Texas Constitution (TXCON).  Vaccine mandates violate the TXCON in at least these five ways. 

Humbly invoking the blessings of Almighty God, the people of the State of Texas, do ordain and establish this Constitution."

The presuppositional world view is that there is a God who either blesses or curses people. Civil government exists to receive His blessings, therefore the Constitution is a reflection of revealed eternal Law in Scripture. "The life is in the blood"; species are created according to their "kind" (Genesis 1, nine references); "kinds" are not to be mixed (Lev. 19:19); children are not to be sacrificed to idols; and so on. The Covid vaccine violates ALL these Divine mandates.

"Sec. 1. FREEDOM AND SOVEREIGNTY OF STATE. Texas is a free and independent State, subject only to the Constitution of the United States, and the maintenance of our free institutions and the perpetuity of the Union depend upon the preservation of the right of local self-government, unimpaired to all the States."

Texas is a "free" and "independent" State, not subject to the United Nations, or any other global organization, including the World Economic Forum, whose manifesto by Klaus Schwab admits that Covid was a created crisis meant to usher in the Great Reset. For the State of Texas to participate in any form with this Satanic scheme is morally reprehensible and legally treasonous.

"Sec. 2. INHERENT POLITICAL POWER; REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT. All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit. The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government..."

The 'republican form of government' (RFOG) has nothing to do with the GOP. RFOG, as found in American law, means that the INDIVIDUAL is sovereign, and the state exists for one reason: to protect the unalienable rights of the individual. For the State of Texas to allow a fictional creation, i.e., a corporation, to violate the rights of the individual is treasonous to the TXCON.

“Sec. 3. EQUAL RIGHTS. All free men, when they form a social compact, have equal rights, and no man, or set of men, is entitled to exclusive separate public emoluments, or privileges…”

U.S. Senators Perdue, Loeffler, Burr, Inhofe all owe Martha Stewart an apology. They dumped stock and bought stock suspiciously concurrent with their top secret meetings on the coronavirus pandemic, e.g., Perdue buying $245K in Pfizer stock one week BEFORE the announcement that Pfizer would make a Covid vaccine. They were investigated. They were cleared of all wrongdoing by the DOJ.  

Are there Texas politicians or corporations that similarly profited on insider info? That is a good question, but only 12% of investigations (67 out of 560 between 2015 and 2021) of fraud, corruption, and theft by the Texas Rangers lead to prosecutions.   

“Sec. 6. FREEDOM OF WORSHIP. All men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences….No human authority ought, in any case whatever, to control or interfere with the rights of conscience in matters of religion…”

As James Madison said, “Conscience is the most sacred of all property.”  Patients Rights laws exist for this very reason. “When we give government the power to make medical decisions for us, we in essence accept that the state owns our bodies.” If government does not reign in the lawless corporations, then it is complicit in their violations.  

Medical providers are governed by Texas Administrative Code  RULE §133.42, Patient Rights. If a corporation is taking on the role of medical provider, then it should also be accountable to state law regarding the Patients Rights, which includes (D) the right of the patient to the information necessary to enable him or her to make treatment decisions that reflect his or her wishes.


For America to survive this crisis and Americans to live, the corporation must die. Fact is, it is already dead.  

A corporation has no heart, no soul, no morals. When it hurts people or damages the environment, it will feel no sorrow or remorse because it is intrinsically unable to. (It may sometimes apologize, but that’s not remorse — that’s public relations.)

“A corporation cannot laugh or cry; it cannot enjoy the world or suffer with it,” as the Buddhist scholar David Loy put it. “Most of all a corporation cannot love.” Its “body” is just a judicialconstruction, and that’s why it’s so dangerous. The corporation is “ungrounded to the earth and its creatures, to the pleasures and responsibilities that derive from being manifestations of the earth.”

We've been programmed by movies to think that zombies are the tattered and torn walking corpses that walk around seeking brains to eat. Nope, the real zombies are the demon spawn of Ivy League-educated, Lexus-driving, Brooks Brothers-wearing, bougie lawyers: the corporation.  Corporation, Corpse. Indeed. 

In the movies, zombies are hard to kill. In reality, corporations are almost impossible to defeat. But it can be done. Two ways:

Legally, sic the Secretary of State on them when they violate the unalienable rights of real, sovereign, non-fiction men and women. This may take some time. 

Secondly, the death blow of zombie corporations is to be the exact opposite of what they are. 

To have a heart for your fellow man. 
To have morals, know right from wrong and choose the right over the wrong. 
To love. 

Despite the ugly corporate zombies surrounding us, there is LOVE rising up in this nation and the world, and that proves there is hope and that we win. Nurses and doctors are quitting rather than take a jab or give them to trusting patients. Pilots are resigning. People by the thousands are choosing truth and love over endangering their own and other's lives.

Cool Hand Luke may have said it best. "Calling it your job don't make it right, Boss." 





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