Tuesday, March 9, 2021

"11" in the News

"11 year old found frozen to death"
"11 year old finds parents dead of Covid"
Have you learned to read headlines yet?
Friends asked about that number, 11, and what I meant by the post. Here goes -- 
Like everything else such as Biblical signs in the heavens turned into astrology; Divine healing turned into alchemy by Big Rx; ordained feasts of YHWH turned into pagan rituals of gluttony and debauchery, the study of numbers has been bastardized by the dark side. God has a lot to say about numbers. Arithmetic is not a science so much as it is a revelation of His character (think of the number 1 and how it reveals His nature of multiplying itself unto infinity, but remaining 1. 
Frequency is nothing but numbers and all of life revolves around it. Cancer and a piece of store-bought McBread filled with the basest of ingredients have the same frequency, I've read. (Not my homemade, fermented, copper-infused sourdough though!!) Music is frequency. When God "spoke" Creation into existence, I believe that means He "sang" it. Our words have power because they give life or death depending on the frequency within them. Hebrew letters are formed when each letter's frequency is directed at sand, and in Hebrew each letter adds meaning to the totality of the word. We do things "in the Name" of God? Are we not affecting the frequency of all that is within our power? Think of how liars and the frequencies of lies affect Creation, and why one name of the adversary is Father of Lies. I know -- this is going deep. (And I haven't even had morning coffee yet -- did a mercy run to Dallas and was up all night.)
So of course, the theology of numbers, the very frequencies of life and death, must be twisted into something sinister. President Trump (is he still your President like he is mine?) knows that the dark side communicates with each other through these frequencies, these numbers and symbols. "Q" has said that "symbols will be their downfall." False flags will often involve "33" deaths or land on days with numeric consequence. If we understand how THEY think, we can see their playbook. Like knowing the magician's secrets, their tricks are evident.
Think of how certain composers were members of certain secret societies -- begins with 'Free' and ends with 'masons' -- and how their music was based on the frequencies in 3, 6, and 9. The ancient solfeggios (do re mi, etc) were meant to be sung for our healing. Where are they found? What are Psalms? Frequencies meant to be sung. When my son was in the midst of his Aplastic Anemia Adventure, I played a CD by Al Harris who put these solfeggios into beautiful tunes so that he could hear it round the clock, even in his sleep. Story for another day, but I have seen supernatural (which really aren't "super" but were intended to be part of our "natural" existence) things happen with that music.
That number, 11. Think of the Twin Towers and Sept. 11. I believe those towers were designed and built for that very event. Think of the lies surrounding their destruction. [Sidebar: Think of how those numbers could represent man and woman, and their leveling could have been a ritual that opened a portal to All Things Tranz. Have we not seen an onslaught of attacks against male / female, the morphing of genders, a spirit of androgyny in the CULTure?]
So getting back to the original post. When I saw "11" coming up associated with death and tragedy with two different events involving children, I connected the dots. A child frozen to death. A child finding his parents dead. Do we have evidence that these were real situations and not a crisis actor / Operation Mockingbird event? OM was/is a taxpayer funded, C-I-A military operation to take over all news media so that we hear what they want us to hear -- LIES, with their frequencies of despair, hopelessness, soul-wounding and disarming/neutralizing effects upon our souls ("why fight? all is lost" kind of thinking. This is why we MUST seek the frequencies of TRUTH in God's Word by reading it daily. Who are the most fearful? Those who are bewitched by the incantations, who allow themselves to beLIEve everything CNN tells them, who don't do battle against them by saying, THUS SAYS THE LORD). See all the major news running the same story, word for word. Yes, my maiden name really is Thomas and I must SEE with my own eyes, KNOW for myself, or I begin to look at how the magician is playing his game on us. 
Recently I confided in two friends (yes, I realize that now I'm telling the world) that I despaired of politics and was even considering contacting the TX Secretary of State and un-registering to vote. If a landslide victory can be stolen, no election is safe. I've already written how two friends with a cable TV show who took cameras into the county registrar documented the stealing of the 1996 election, and that was PAPER ballots! (I did not vote for 14 years after that, only re-registering to help a friend with his run for a local office here in Texas.) Then I realized how I have not been SPEAKING the proper frequencies to the situation, i.e., praying God's thoughts like I should. I became weak. Despairing. Doubting. Remedy? I will not un-register, but realize where the victory truly is, where the real power is, and it is not the vote, which can be -- AND WAS -- manipulated by the liars.
What CANNOT be stolen is the power each of us has to align ourselves with the Mind of God, to SPEAK TRUTH to the realms of what we have wrongly expected politicians to change. WE as a people have neglected our rightful station, WE given over the reins of authority to others that we ourselves are morally bound to control. This is a nation of individuals, each of us sovereign in our own right under the authority of God, covenanted together in a body politic to advance His kingdom. If we lose that perspective, then we will feel like we've lost when the liars lie. On the other hand, if we see that liars cannot defeat God with their numbers and symbols and stolen votes, we win in the unseen spiritual world and THEN the seen political dimension reflects that victory. 
Unseen first, then seen. When you hear the lies, change the frequency. Speak to it, "Their lies shall not be so." This is what we would call an imprecatory prayer from Isaiah 16:6, when Judah was battling the wicked Moabites, the fake news/deep state swamp of that day. I printed it out and it sets at my computer so I can see it constantly. "We have heard of the pride of Moab; he is very proud: even of his haughtiness, and his pride, and his wrath: but HIS LIES SHALL NOT BE SO." Think of the evils in our land and how many of them involve "pride" and their neo-moabite armies even have their own flags to rally them, flags that must change the Divine frequency to a fake frequency. To wit: how many colors in the rainbow? Seven. How many colors in a neo-moabite flag? Six. 
Will you hear lies today? Yes, you will. Are you ready for battle? Ready to slay the unseen enemy for a visible victory?


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