Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Fake Medicine Be Damned

True healers are the new martyrs. A few words about the censorship of the Frontline Doctors who sacrificed everything to get truth to us:

In the Middle Ages, the whore of Babylon put on the mask of False Religion and used the State to impose its false world views on the people. If you didn't believe the official doctrine, you were burned at the stake -- or worse. Most cities had only one Bible, and it was written in Latin, chained to the pulpit at the sanctuary. The people were dependent on a priest to give interpretation. What he said was Gospel, regardless of what the Scripture actually said. Want to deliver a lost one from purgatory? "When the gold in Tetzel's trunk rings, a soul from purgatory springs."

Today, we shudder to think people could have been so gullible. But two things happened to break up the monopoly on fake theology. Brave men stood up to the lies and the printing press made the Word of God available to all. The Reformation happened, and thank God it did or we'd all be speaking Latin in church.

But the adversary was not content to let God's people get away so easily. Soon enough, the same whore slithered up to the State with a new visage: Fake Science. This was not true science, but humanism cloaked in the opinions of men, i.e., consensus. Another word for consensus? Conspiracy. Don't like that word? Tough. Read Ezekiel, Psalms. No "theory," but fact. The wicked plot against the righteous, they "breathe together" in their evil machinations.

The pagans of Greece shall judge the "Christian" modern doctors; at least Hippocrates held to the gold standard of First Do No Harm, whereas today the gold has become the standard -- Tetzel would be jealous to see the trunks of Big Pharma. Fauci, Gates, Offitt, Pan and other satanic humanists have become the new Popes and the CDC and WHO have replaced the Vatican as the all hallowed source of truth. The State then uses the sword -- in blasphemous mockery of its true and righteous mandate to protect innocent life -- to enforce the edicts of hell itself with mandated vaccines, forbidden and hidden cures, jail for doctors who actually HEAL their patients, raiding of alternative clinics, and burning truthbearers like the Frontline Doctors at the stake of Fake News.

"The word of their testimony..."
As the printing press came to the people at just the right time, so did social media. Luther's Wittenberg Castle Door is now Facebook, Twitter, InstaGram, YouTube. There is no stopping the Truth. Within minutes, millions of people had seen the Frontline Doctors. MINUTES. Dr. Simone Gold has been fired, and all are being vilified for their brave actions that day. "...They loved not their lives even unto death..."

And the bad actors of the State who have usurped their authority shall suffer a similar fate. Lawsuits are being filed and Constitutional sheriffs are refusing to enforce unlawful fiat mandates. That's just the beginning. Soon we will see prosecutions of those who intentionally held back medicines like HCQ that could have saved the lives of many people.

To hell with Fake Science, Big Medicine, False Religion. Literally. All those who believe a lie for the sake of profit, be damned. These are God's words, not mine:

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thes. 2:10-12

1 comment:

  1. Life & death are in the tongue . . . . .

    What a mighty vessel of truth you pour out from your gift of discerning wisdom.

